4D Analytics


The Data Studio UI is used to create and initiate open scripting runs that are handled by the Data Collection Framework (DCF). This handles their execution on the Linux back end that is running inside a series of secure Docker containers.

To allow this communication, Data Studio requires the Open Scripting Widget to be configured on the dashboard.

Create the Open Scripting Widget

A widget of the Data Collector Import type is configured to run the Open Scripting DCF handler process, so add one of these to the dashboard then open its configuration and choose the Open Scripting Process option from the File Type drop-down.

The widget should appear.

The Settings now require configuration.

Configuring the Open Scripting Widget

Click on Settings in the main toolbar and configure the parameters to make the DCF communicate with the processes on the remote Linux host.

Review the settings to be sure that they match the picture above, then press Save.

Setting Up the Backend Scripting Engine

The configuration of the backend scripting engine is an advanced operation that is outside the scope of this help document. Please contact Bentley Systems for further details, if required.